How to find the CLT!
…and how to use it
To clarify, CLT refers to command line terminal
In this post, we’ll cover how to find/open a CLT on a Windows machine. After we have one opened we’ll then cover tools we can use on the CLT.
Now, you may be wondering why should I have to waste time learning how to find and use the CLT if there are graphical user interfaces that I can use instead? Does the CLT even exist?
Yes, it does… and sometimes things are messed up on a system and you can’t access the GUI (graphical user interface). In those cases, you’ll actually boot into recovery mode from the Windows partition or from a Windows DVD and then you’ll be able to get to open a CLT and be able to start operating the file system that way.
Side note: you might notice the screenshot above says Command Prompt even though I’ve been calling this thing command line terminal. Well, part of the confusion in finding the CLT is that there are several different names used to refer to it. So, yes it can be called ‘Command Prompt,’ but for the sake of innuendo this article shall keep using CLT.
How to Find the CLT
Opening a command line terminal on a Windows machine is relatively simple, and there are several ways to do it. Here are a few methods you can use:
- Right-click the Windows Start button: One of the easiest ways to open a command line terminal is to right-click the Windows Start button and select “Command Prompt” or “Command Prompt (Admin)” from the menu.
- Use the Windows key + X shortcut: Pressing the Windows key and X at the same time will open a menu that includes a link to the command prompt.
- Use the Start Menu: You can also find the command prompt in the Start Menu. Click the Start button, scroll down the list of apps until you see the “Windows System” folder, and then click on “Command Prompt.”
- Pin the Command Prompt to the taskbar or Start Menu: If you use the command prompt frequently, you can pin it to your taskbar or Start Menu for quick access. Right-click the Command Prompt icon and select “Pin to taskbar” or “Pin to Start.”
- Use the Run dialog box: You can use the Run dialog box to open the command prompt. Press the Windows key + R, type “cmd” in the Run box, and then press Enter.
- Search for the Command Prompt: You can also search for the command prompt using the Windows search bar. Click the Start button and then start typing “Command Prompt” in the search bar. Once it appears in the search results, click on it to open.
For maximum “wow factor” or to give off the impression that you’re a badass hacker in front of non-techy people, then I suggest using method 2 or 5.
If you want the most convenient method, I suggest following the fourth method: pin it to your taskbar.
Overall, there are multiple ways to open a command line terminal on a Windows machine. You can use whichever method works best for you, whether it’s a keyboard shortcut, right-clicking, or searching. Once you have a command line terminal open, you can start using the powerful tools available in the CLT to manage your system and perform various tasks.
CLT Tools
Now that you know how to find and open a Command Line Terminal (CLT) on a Windows machine, it’s time to explore the tools you can use on the CLT. These tools can help you troubleshoot issues, manage your system, and perform various tasks quickly and efficiently.
The first tool you should be familiar with is “dir.” This command displays the contents of a directory. To use it, simply type “dir” and press enter or type the command followed by the path of the directory you want to view.
The “cd” command is used to change the current directory. To move to a different directory, type “cd” followed by the path of the directory you want to go to.
If you need to create a new directory, you can use the “mkdir” command. Simply type “mkdir” followed by the name of the new directory you want to create.
The “ping” command is useful for network troubleshooting. It checks for connectivity between two devices and reports any issues that may be preventing a connection.
TRY IT! ping google
The “tracert” command helps you trace the path between your computer and a specified destination, such as a website. It shows you all the intermediate steps your connection takes to reach the destination.
TRY IT! tracert to google
The “netstat” command displays all the active connections on your system. This can help you identify any network-related issues and determine which processes are using network resources.
TRY THIS ALSO! just type netstat to run it
If you need to perform a DNS lookup, you can use the “nslookup” command. This tool allows you to look up the IP address of a specific domain name.
net use
The “net use” command is used to manage network connections. If you use it by itself, it will display any share drive connections you currently have open.
The “diskpart” command is a disk partitioning tool that allows you to manage your hard drives and storage devices. With this command, you can create, delete, and format partitions.
PROBABLY DON’T TRY THIS ONE! Do some more research before using this tool because it can really mess things up if you don’t know what you’re doing!
The “bootrec” command is used to repair the boot sector of your computer’s hard drive. If your system won’t start up correctly, using this command may help resolve the issue. Again, do some more research before using this tool also!
Finally, the “taskkill” command allows you to terminate a running process. This can be useful if a program is not responding or causing issues on your system. Handy tool for fighting off malware, however do more research on this one, too, before using it.
Even if you’re accustomed to using graphical user interfaces, it’s always a good idea to learn how to use the Command Line Tool on your Windows machine. Knowing how to access and use these tools can save you a lot of time and help you troubleshoot issues when things go wrong. So next time you find yourself unable to access the GUI, remember that the CLT is always there to help you out!
Thanks for reading!